Mods & Rockers Evening
Fri, 28 Jul
A Mods & Rockers themed Chapter social and fund raising event, where you can let your hair down (for those that have got any!) and have a night of dancing with light refereshments.

Time & Location
28 Jul 2023, 19:30
Gilberts, 54 Field St, Willenhall WV13 2NY, UK
About the Event
A Mods & Rockers themed Chapter social and fund raising event, where you can let your hair down (for those that have got any!) and have a night of dancing with light refreshments.*
This event will be open to Chapter members and their friends & family, Chapter supported charities, fundraisers associated with the Chapter and other HOG Chapters. We are aiming to sell 120 tickets so please  book soon to avoid dissapointment.
Timings are currently approximate only and will be firmed up closer to the event along with further details about the event.
Adults £10 each / Children £5 each
*When booking please indicate if you will require a non-meat alternative.
To obtain your tickets, please register and pay as per the below:
1. RSVP to this event - this commits you to attending and paying the above fee and then either:
2. Send your fee of £10 per adult and £5 per child to the Chapter bank account: sort code 40 47 11, a/c 22216760, and for the reference number use MODS then your SURNAME and FIRST INITIAL, e.g. MODS-JONESM, or
3. Grab Talin at club night and pay via debit/credit card on his trusted card reader
4. Pay cash to JB, Cheryl or Talin at club night
If you have any queries please contact a member of the committee or post it on theÂ