11/4 Fire up for the Weekend, Wolfruna Chapter!
Fire up for the Weekend, Wolfruna Chapter!
Evening all,
The Standing with Giants event was a huge success. An incredible effort by all. It was lovely to see so many HOG chapters participating. A big thanks you to Helen and Trevor who represented Wolfruna in Normandy.
We are arranging a special event with the NMA. Once the details are confirmed I will let you know. Tickets for RTTW go live Friday 26th April at 7pm. We have Martin Dickinson (Founder of RTTW) as a guest speaker for May’s Chapter meeting.
Our next chapter meeting is next week, Tuesday 16th from 19:30. We are delighted that Gary France will be our guest speaker.
This Saturday we have a ride to Gilks Cafe. Please meet at the dealership. Stands up 10:30.
Remember we have our Wolfruna Mascot - please ask for it if you’re going abroad!
The committee are getting together tonight for our monthly meet. The last few weeks have been huge for our chapter. We had our biggest ever turnout for our chapter night, we had the Easter Egg Run, raised £1,000 at the Peaky Blinders vs Cowboys night, welcomed a lot of new members and managed to squeeze some rides in. All rides and events can be accessed here - www.wolfruna.com/calendar
Finally, our Facebook Group is closing shortly. Make sure to follow our new Facebook Page - www.facebook.com/wolfrunachapter
Cheers, Broth